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Chapter 700 My Sis-cest/Taboo:>>59

  • Eventually I admitted that Rys and the kids meant more to me than just family; they were my lifeline to reality, a way out of the world of design and intense mathematical calculation I lived in. I was lonely, and Rys was my only outlet. The more time I spent with her family, the more I wanted; eventually I came to realise that it was her that made my life complete; with her I was 'Mikey, best friend, guardian, shoulder to cry on and hand to hold'; without her I was a solitary, lonely man with nothing in his life except someone else's family to take the loneliness away; literally, all I had was her. At the time I was too knotted-up inside to understand what was happening to us. With hindsight now it's all so clear, but back then, all I knew was I needed Rys to keep the dark away, and I couldn't work out why that should be so.
  • Rys was the catalyst for everything that happened, and it was so innocent, but it was going to make our lives so very complicated, in so many ways. It was a simple conversation, about Rys finding a job, of all things. She had money, her family benefits, plus what I secretly slipped into her bank account meant she had enough money to live reasonably well, especially as she didn't have to worry about bills, because I was taking care of those, but she wanted to feel independent; she didn't feel right taking my money, even though I would have gladly given her everything I had, she was my baby sister, and I loved her to death, but she felt a divorced mother of two should be more independent and self-reliant, so of course, she turned to her big brother for advice.
  • I felt a certain amount of kismet here; she needed a job, she needed money, but she didn't like taking my money, so I arranged it so she had no choice but to take money from me, as my employee. That's right, I hired her, but it wasn't a token job; Carys was a qualified business administrator, I needed a good office manager, one who knew what they were doing, and whom I could trust; it was the perfect storm, I needed her, she needed me. Kismet.
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